The first sound heard in the clip is the voiceover of the judges hammer and him saying "Savannah McCoy I sentence you to 50 hours of community service". We used our media teacher to do the voiceover and simply banged something on a table to achieve the sound of the gavel. Our teacher spoke into a microphone that was connected to the camera, this meant it would be a lot clearer and wouldn't have as much noise. We then imported the sounds into our trailer in iMovie, we had to extract the sound from the clip as we wanted it separate to put it at the beginning of our trailer. We removed the muffled background noise by using 'Noise Reducer' in the AudioFX part of editing in iMovie. We decided that we wanted the voice of Mr Go to have a slight echo and to be deeper, therefore we edited his voice using the Pitch Changer and moving the toggle slightly nearer to the 'Monster' setting to make it deeper. We added the echo effect by using the 'Atrium' setting in 'Reverb' editing.
The second part of the sound in the clip is our music. We made our soundtrack using Garageband. It starts off using Delicate Piano 15 as we thought this sound was fitting to our the genre of our trailer. We timed our music by playing it along with our trailer in iMovie, this way we were able to get the music changes in time with the clips in our trailer. We made the next sound, called Delicate Piano 07, start when the first title came on screen, as we thought that it added drama to grasp the viewers attention. We the had Delicate Piano 18 and RnB Beat 09 start at the same time when the second title appears. We liked the beat as we thought it made our trailer seem more contemporary and appeals to a younger audience. We turned of all the sounds except for the beginning Delicate Piano 07 when she falls on stage as we thought the beat should stop when the trailer is on slow motion. This was because we wanted to draw attention to her falling and make the trailer more intense. When the shot of her receiving the shoes comes on screen the music then starts back up but without the RnB Beat. This lasts until the final shot of her dancing professionally on stage which has just Delicate Piano 15 playing along, as we felt it should be quieter to draw attention to her dancing.
We think all of the sounds in our trailer make it look professional because we matched up the sounds to compliment the genre. We also spent a long time making sure each sound and tempo change fitted with the clips shown on screen. We feel that the music is very catchy as we have been humming the tune all the time, even out of lesson time! Therefore we think other people our age will enjoy it just as much as we do.
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