Filming Session #1

Our first filming session took place on the 2nd October 2010, from 2.30pm-4pm. Our main aim of this filming session was to film the shots of Lauren (who plays Savannah) practicing ballet at home, after being inspired from seeing Eleanor dancing at the Ballet School she is sent to clean. Overall, the filming went really well. We ensured we filmed each shot a few times so that when it came to the editing stage we would have enough footage to go on if there was a problem with one piece. We also made sure we used a range of shots, from mid shots to low angle shots, so that when edited these would look effective in a montage together.

An improvement for the next filming session is to ensure we know exactly which shots we are due to film and in what order, so that we can set up the camera into position quickly so that the actors do not have to wait around whilst we decide which shot to film next.

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