Initial Ideas

Initially, Chloe, Mia and I were planning to create a teaser trailer based on a film about the 9/11 terrorist attack. We thought this would be a good story to base a film on as it is a true story so many of the audience would be able to relate to the different characters. We decided that it would also have a romantic twist to it because we wanted the main characters to be in love and then eventually get separated when the man goes to work in the World Trade Centre and gets killed in the attack. We were going to use footage from news reports to show the Twin Towers collapsing as the planes drove into them, we thought that this would be effective as there was no other way of us showing our audience what actually happened on that day. We looked at many different trailers for this idea, to get inspiration for this type of genre. This included Remember Me, The Lovely Bones, Flight 93 and United 93.
Eventually we decided against this plot as we found it difficult to even find a place that would be suitable to film and also because the subject is still very raw we did not think it would be appropriate for our A Level project as it is a serious matter.
Instead we started to think more along the lines of a dance film. We thought of this because one of our friends is a dancer and actress therefore we were able to use her for our trailer so we had to find a genre that would express her skills clearly. We also wanted to aim our trailer to a target market similar to our age, this was easy for us to do as we know which films are popular with this age group. We thought that the trailers that are used to advertise dance films tend to be exciting and fast paced which is the kind of trailer we were intending to create.
We then researched many films and trailers that we could use as influences to produce a dance film trailer. Some of these were: Center Stage, Billy Elliot, Step Up and The Black Swan. Watching these trailers gave us real inspiration and many ideas that we could incorporate into our own teaser trailer.

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