Sound and Music
Believe - 3rd Cut
This 3rd cut includes some trial titles. We used iMovie's 'themed' titles to create the poster effect shown. Because we wanted to have some phrases summing up the theme and plot of the film, we had to think about how we could do this when we were unable to enter text into the theme. We decided to open up Photoshop CS3 and create an image of a black rectangular background, with white words saying the phrases we wanted to entice the audience with about the plot of the film. We then saved the image and re-opened iMovie and imported the image into the title scenes. Originally we liked the way the poster title theme looked as it showed the rougher side of the film of Savannah's character who had originally committed the crime. We also really liked the way this particular title scene panned across the 3 posters and zoomed into them to play the clip.
At 1.07 the main title of 'Believe' is displayed. We created this on iMovie using the option of 'clip movie'. This meant that we could have some text, in this case 'Believe' in a font we had downloaded off the internet to fit the theme, and also one of our original movie clips playing in the text. To find a suitable clip that we hadn't used already we went into the 'trash' in iMovie. Here we found lots of clips that we had cut as they were not exciting enough for a teaser trailer, and some of which were simply repeated shots from when we filmed a scene a few times to ensure we had a good shot. We chose a cut shot of Lauren (playing Savannah) spinning in her bathroom to insert in the text in this title scene, as her legs spinning from left to right of the text gives a similar feel of a ballet dancer spinning through the text. We also liked how the clip in the title scene continued on through to the next clip, as straight after this title Savannah is dancing on stage and spinning across the stage, similar to the clip used in the text previously.
Finally the title of 'In cinemas 2011' appears against a black background. We have used the same text in this as in the main title to show continuity, however there is no effect on it as it is simple and to the point.
The final 10 seconds of another title saying 'Believe' upon a background with a picture of ballet shoes was another trial title scene which we found on iMovie. We liked the fact that we could use an image in the background and the title panning on from the left, however we did not like how a subtitle appeared in the bottom left hand corner saying the word 'believe' again, as we did not want it displayed twice or it may confuse the viewers into thinking the title of the film was actually 'Believe Believe'.
Believe - 2nd Cut
The main difference of the 2nd cut from the 1st, is the length of shots. In the 2nd cut we have cut most shots down again, to make sure the audience doesn't get bored watching too many longer clips where not much is happening, as this would not make an effective teaser trailer if the audience is not excited by it.
Also, in this cut we have added in the 5 seconds worth of black screen at the start of the trailer, where there will be a voiceover to introduce the audience into the plot of the film.
We have also cut some shots completely, such as the close up of Lauren (playing Savannah) being seen by Emily (playing Eleanor) and the ballet teacher. We cut this shot out as we thought it did not look professional and also didn't give anything extra away to the audience, just emphasised the same point as in the shot before that Lauren was embarrassed that the ballet dancer and teacher had caught her watching them practice.
Another shot we have cut down is of the ballet teacher saying "from the top Eleanor." We decided to cut this down to simply "from the top" as we thought the way 'Eleanor' was said was quite comical as although we wanted the ballet teacher to be well spoken, this was slightly over the top.
We have also shortened each shot of Lauren practicing at home, as we wanted to create more of a montage effect from these clips, so just cut about half a second of each, to give it a faster more flashy feel.
Believe - 1st Cut
This is our first cut of Believe, using all the scenes originally planned for and set out in the order of our storyboard. When filming we ensured we got long shots of each scene to make sure we had enough quality footage of each, so we have already cut down many of the shots a little in this first cut. We shortened each shot filmed to make sure we had the best part of each, as trailers only show the best parts of the film to advertise it to possible viewers, however in this cut we have not yet added in any title scenes, and as the length is already 1:24 we may have to cut more clips down to make sure the length stays at around 1:30.
Location Shots
Importing and Editing
Filming Session #2
The filming went really well. All actors performed without getting distracted, meaning the whole process was a lot faster, and the shots looked good. As we were filming on the school hall stage, we decided to remove the front blue curtains and also some equipment at the back of the stage. We also pulled across the black curtains and placed a CD player at the edge of the stage to show they were practicing with music.
One problem we found was that once filming a few scenes we thought that Lauren playing Savannah was actually slightly better at dancing than Emily playing Eleanor, which may have caused the viewers of the trailer confusion as Lauren was supposed to be the amateur who was just learning to dance, but finally at the end of the scene was a pro at ballet. We decided to film a few shots of each character dancing, and when it came to the editing stage we would simply have to cut the parts of Emily dancing her best and Lauren dancing at her worst to portray their true characters.
Filming Session #1
Filming Schedule
Screen Play
(bang)'Savannah McCoy I sentenece you to 50 hours of Community Service'
SAVANNAH:Enters the ballet studio and begins mopping the floor.
ELEANOR:Gives Savannah a dirty look for interuppting her dance.SAVANNAH:
Makes an apologetic face but carries on mopping.BALLET TEACHER:
Says 'From the top'ELEANOR:Begins her dance again, while Savannah watches on in the background.
Enters ballet studio with the bucket and mop.ELEANOR:
Is leaving the studio and pushes past Savannah as they walk through the doorway.SAVANNAH:
Whilst cleaning on stage she pauses for a moment and begins to dance.BALLET TEAHCER:Sees Savannah dancing as she walks past the door and is surprised at how good she is.
SAVANNAH:Does a little twirl in the road as she is walking home.
SAVANNAH:Practises dancing infront of the mirror
SAVANNAH:Stretches out her legs and tries to do the splits.
SAVANNAH:Is dancing on stage and she falls and crashes to the ground.
BALLET TEACHER:Enters the stage and gives Savannah a pair of ballet shoes.
BALLET TEACHER:Helps Savannah by putting her hair up in a bun for her audition.
SAVANNAH:Dances on stage for her audition
We have drawn out a storyboard for the shots in our trailer. Although we know this may change, it was vital to have some sort of plan so that when filming we were able to follow some guidelines, making the whole task much easier and less time consuming once we had got to the location. Our storyboard consists of 30 shots, some of which are title sequences. If our teaser trailer is 1 minute 30 seconds long, 30 shots gives an average length of about 3 seconds for each, which is what we are hoping to achieve because the film is a dance genre, so we need the trailer to be flashy, short eye-catching clips to grab the viewers' attention and persuade them to go and see the film.
We have then created this animated storyboard using iMovie, and cut each shot to the length we would like it to be in the actual trailer, to give an idea of the length and feel of the trailer before filming. We think the length of scenes works well, however we may change these once we have filmed the footage and we can truely see what the trailer starts to look like.